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Sumela Monastery (Sümela Manatırı)

The monastery was established on behalf of the Virgin Mary "Sumela" name "black" means "molasses" is said to get the word....

According to legend, Emperor Byzantine The time of Theodosius (375-395) from Athens by two priests called Barnabas and Sophranios monastery was founded, to widen the 6th centuries, the Emperor repaired to the monastery on Justinianus General has been repaired by the Belisarios.

Sumela main sections of the monastery, the main rock of the church, several chapels, kitchens, student rooms, guest house, library ayazma'dır the sacred. These buildings were constructed on an area wide community. At the entrance of the monastery seems to have great aqueduct bringing water slope is leaning state. The very eyes of the arch was demolished in large part today.

A long narrow staircase to the main entrance of the monastery is reached. There are guards near the entrance to the room. Here is a staircase in the inner courtyard. On the left of the monastery and the church that became the basis of the various monastic buildings are in front of the cave. Library is located on the right side. Again on the right side of the front of the balcony covering the major part of the room and guest rooms were used as monks and dates to 1860. The building in the lockers in the rooms around the courtyard, the cells, with mines of Turkish art are also affected.

Constitute the main unit of the monastery church of the rock and its adjacent chapel is equipped with inner and outer walls with frescoes. Rocks in the courtyard-facing wall of the church III. The presence of frescoes dating from the reign of Alexios was determined. Frescoes of the 18th Şapeldeki It dates to the beginning of the century and the third layer is seen in three separate periods. The frescoes of the bottom layer is superior to nature.

Sumela Monastery which has been partly dismantled and work in a very dilapidated appearance as the main issues frescoes bearing biblical scenes taken from the Prophet. About Jesus and the Virgin Mary's life are depicted.